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46. Exercises For Quadriceps: Upper front leg. (Thigh)


This article is from the Fitness FAQ, by Jeff Gleixner (glex@cray.com) with numerous contributions by others.

46. Exercises For Quadriceps: Upper front leg. (Thigh)

General Advice:
- Keep back as as vertical as possible.
- Go slow, no bouncing.
- Inhale at the top of the motion. Exhale from the bottom of
the motion to the top.
- DON'T lock knees or bounce at the top or bottom.


Set-up: Standing upright. Stance is a comfortable shoulder width
apart, toes pointed slightly outward.

Movement: Very similar to sitting down on a chair. Focus your
vision on something in the room slightly higher than the level
of your eyes. Start by moving the butt back and downward.
Don't start by bending the knees. Continue downward, by
bending the knees, DON'T allow your knees to move forward,
this will cause undo stress on the knees. When the thighs
reach parallel begin exhaling and return to the starting
position. There should be no lateral movement, especially in
the knee or hip area.

Adding Resistance: Place a barbell across traps or hold dumbbells
throughout exercise.

Additional notes: Use a spotter. Start out light. Although this
is exactly like sitting down, NEVER do squats above a chair or
bench. Going to parallel is a must! Place bar on traps NOT on
back of neck.

Muscles Worked: Quadriceps (Thighs), Hamstrings (Back of leg),
Gluteus Maximus (butt)


Set-up: Sitting on the edge of a bench or leg extension machine,
with knee at ~90-degree angle.

Movement: Extend and straighten lower leg.

Adding Resistance: There are many Leg Extension machines
available. Sit on the machine with the padded end against
the front area of the ankle.

Variations: Working the inner Quad can be done by point the
toes toward each other at ~20-degree angle. The outer Quad
can be worked by pointing the toes out at ~20-degree angle.

Muscles Worked: Quadriceps


Set-up: Standing upright with feet shoulder width apart.

Movement: Take a 2-3' step forward. Once the step is taken the
upper body and the front knee should not move forward during
the lowering and raising of the body. Keeping the upper body
vertical, lower body straight down until back knee comes close
to the ground. Raise body straight up and return to starting

Adding Resistance: Barbell may be placed across traps or dumbbells
held in hands or barbell placed between legs (straddled) (Obviously
the last variation must be used in this case).

-Work 1 leg at a time or switch for every rep.
-Step onto a 6"-1' platform for an added stretch.
-Step backwards or sideways.
-Instead of returning to the starting position just go up/down
for the required reps, then return to the starting position
and do the same for the other leg.

Muscles Worked: Quadriceps, Hamstrings, the Glutes


Set-up: Performed on a machine where the legs usually press a
platform. Once in the machine place feet shoulder width
apart with toes pointed slightly out.

Movement: Lower platform until knee is at a 90-degree angle.
Press platform up until legs are almost straight. DON'T
lock knees or bounce at the top or bottom.

Adding Resistance: The machine should have a place to add
weight. Most large platforms are ~150 pounds.

Variations: The inner and outer Quads can be worked by
changing the stance. Wide stance will work the outer
Quad, narrow stance will work the inner area.

Muscles Worked: Quadriceps, Hamstrings, the Glutes


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